
Draw What You See General to Specific

by Lisa Larrabee

It is easy to say that you should draw what you see when your goal is to draw with accuracy.  However, it takes practice to truly observe the shapes, values and relationships as they are and not how we perceive them to be.

During classes, I like to set up my easel and draw alongside my students.  This allows me to demonstrate how to build a drawing from start to finish beginning with general shapes, values and relationships.  Also, it's much more fun (and effective) than hovering.

This drawing is one from two semesters ago.  The following stages will show two drawings of a similar still life arrangement from two different perspectives.

The medium is charcoal and a white chalk pencil on mid-toned gray paper.

Draw from life and use a strong light source to create clear shapes.  Keep checking your shapes, values, angles and relationships as you go.  Drawing is a process.  Take your time and enjoy it!

~ Lisa