
Indelible Branches: Painting Stages

by Lisa Larrabee

Indelible Branches
oil 36" x 24"
artist Lisa Larrabee

This painting is a labor of love that I worked on over the course of a year.  It is a self-portrait of me with my boys, but it also tells a more universal story.  I began by manipulating rough images in Photoshop.  This piece is a combination of about 8 photographs and 4 color inspiration references (that changed as the painting evolved).  Part of what made this piece such a challenge was that there was an intangible goal that could only be found by working through the painting process.

First, I roughly blocked in darks and lights to establish the overall composition. 


Sketchbook: Demo to Final

by Lisa Larrabee

This drawing was done as a teaching demonstration for my students.  This is how far I got during the class.  The following day I was able to complete the drawing at home in my studio.


Monochromatic Profile Triptych

by Lisa Larrabee

These paintings were created using a modified version of the piambura technique coined by the contemporary naturalist painter Adrian Gottlieb.  They began with the classic earth toned foundation of traditional imprimatura  underpainting developed during the Renaissance.  The application of paint is minimal with a focus on accuracy right from the beginning.  Much of the background color shows through.  Unlike Gottlieb's piambura technique, I used glazes and minimal overpainting.  It is very similar to the process that I used for Wyatt, but with a monochromatic color scheme to create a more classic old-fashioned feel.